Halloween Spooks for Working on October 31

nurse safety

Few people will name a hospital or other care facility as the place they want to be on Halloween. However, the day doesn't have to be filled with drudgery. Of all the holidays, Halloween is the one that nurses can play around with the most. And there are so many ways to bring the fun to your patients — young or young-at-heart — and colleagues who share the floor with you this October 31st. Here are a few suggestions:


Food and Drink
As any nurse can tell you, it takes a special type of humor to work around people who are ill. Stock your nurse’s station with a spooky spread this Halloween:

  • Fruit punch: Pour fruit punch into a suction canister with a straw, shake it a bit to create foam, and serve.
  • IV juice: Try loading apple juice into the IV bags at the nurse's station. Simply release the juice into a cup as you would any other IV fluid and quench your thirst.
  • Jell-O: There's something about eating Jell-O out of a specimen cup that brings out the best in all of us.
  • Boo-nanas: Peel bananas and cut them in half. Add two small chocolate chips and one large chocolate chip and press into the flesh of the banana for eyes and mouth.
  • Mummy sausages: Take crescent roll triangles and cut fringe on the outside edges. Lay the sausage in the middle and alternate wrapping with the skinny crescent roll pieces. Bake and enjoy your ghoulish treat!


Adults and kids enjoy dressing up for Halloween. Prior to the holiday, try soliciting businesses for donations of costumes so that patients can participate in the fun. Then ask each unit to dress up according to a different theme. Some suggestions include:

  • Candies
  • Wizard of Oz
  • Cartoons
  • Children's board games

Bring a face painter (or several) into the facility to artistically create costumes using paint.


In elder care facilities, provide patients with candies or other treats to pass out to children who have been invited to visit. Reach out to childcare centers and local neighbors beforehand. Host a Halloween parade where patients traverse the facility as much as they are able. Instead of having children who are physically unable to trick-or-treat go from place to place, have staff and other patients come to them. Tell ghost stories or scary stories to pass time.

The key is to make the most out of any day (or night), of course, and nurses do this best! Halloween is a great time to let your imagination run free. Play with decor, food and activities to make this season the best yet.


What spooky traditions do you enjoy on your floor during Halloween? Share with us on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. Join the #SaveOurNurses movement at SaveOurNurses.com — because after all, it shouldn’t hurt to be a nurse.